
Can a lack of sleep make me gain weight?
When we think of sleep, we often think of its effects on the brain and emotions, helping us look younger and feel more energetic. However, did you know that there is research to prove that even moderate sleep deprivation in healthy subjects can...
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Choose wisely when eating out
It can be frustrating when you embark on your journey to better health to find good options when eating out. Restaurants tend to sacrifice health for flavor. Foods then become high in various combinations of fat, sugar and salt. As a result,...
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Secrets of the Blue Zones
Studies have proven that our genetic makeup accounts for only 20-30% of our longevity, which provokes the question “what constitutes the other 70-80%?” If genetics is the only factor completely out of our control, could it mean that the...
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The first step to changing your health destiny
Several years ago, I had a very interesting encounter with a young couple. The wife was insistent that her obese husband change his eating habits and start a regular exercise program. The husband adamantly refused, stating that all his family...
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Dangers of Tobacco + 10 Tips for Lung Health
We tend to move through life living and breathing and taking for granted the organs which are so hard at work every day. Pause a moment and take a deep breath. That’s your lungs at work. But did you know that Lung Cancer is the #1 cancer killer...
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7 tips for maintaining liver health
The liver is an organ that does so much for the body, yet it is often so little thought of. The liver is actually the largest solid organ in the body, weighing in at about 3 pounds and is crucial for ensuring the body is kept free from toxins...
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